Coronavirus Good Friday/Viernes Santo

Good Friday, April 2, 2021/Viernes Santo, 2 de abril de 2021

12 noon - Stations of the Cross (English) - in the school field

      • Please bring your own chair.
      • Drive-in option:  There are a limited number of parking spaces for people to attend this Mass drive-in style in their vehicles.  Please enter the drive-in parking area through the Marian Street entrance.  Sound is transmitted via your vehicle’s radio – please tune to FM 87.9.

4:00 p.m. - Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord with Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion (English) - in the school field and livestream

      • Please bring your own chair.
      • Drive-in option:  There are a limited number of parking spaces for people to attend this service drive-in style in their vehicles.  Please enter the drive-in parking area through the Marian Street entrance.  Sound is transmitted via your vehicle’s radio – please tune to FM 87.9.
      • Livestream - click here to tune in and pray along

6:00 p.m. - Liturgia de la Pasión del Señor con Veneración de la Cruz y Santa Comunión (español) - en el campo escolar y en vivo

      • Traiga su propia silla.
      • Opción para la Misa desde su automóvil: Hay un número limitado de espacios de estacionamiento para que las personas asistan a este servicio desde su automóvil. Ingrese al área de estacionamiento a través de la entrada de Marian Street. El sonido se transmite a través de la radio de su vehículo – sintonice FM 87.9.
      • En vivo - haga clic aquí para sintonizar y rezar